
  • [브로셔] TI-NSPIRE CX CAS 계산기
    생활정보 2018. 7. 12. 17:00

    안녕하세요. 주인장입니다.

    오늘은 한창 관심을 가졌던 TI-NSPIRE CX CAS 계산기에 대한 브로셔 및 자료를 공유할까 합니다.

    더 정보가 필요하신 분은 홈페이지 http://education.ti.com/asia

    를 참고하시구요. 자세한 내용은 브로셔

    For more information : educator-support@list.ti.com, 65-6389-4675, http://education.ti.com/asia

    수입처는 CAI Systems, Korea (우) 46282 부산광역시 금정구 금강로 331 1층




    TI-Nspire CX CAS Handheld

    1. Color, Backlit LCD Display

    16-bit color, high-resolution 320x240 pixels and more than 10 colors for graphs.

    Problems, digital photos and graphs appear sharp, crisp.

    2. CAS (Computer Algebra System)

    Factor and expand expressions and solve for variables.

    3. Thin Design

    Sleek and trim.

    TI's thinnest and lightest TI graphing calculator model to date.

    4. Use Images 

    Including your own photos.

    Explore real-world concepts using the handheld's Notes, Graphs, Geometry, Data & Statistics and Questions apps.

    TI-Nspire Teacher Software or TI-Nspire Student Software is required to add images into TI-Nspire documents.

    5. 3D Graphing

    Graph and rotate (manually and automatically) 3D functions.

    Change the wire or surface color of your 3D graph.

    TI-Nspire CAS Applications

    From the Home screen you can see each application icon at the bottom of the screen.

    To open any one of these applications move the cursor to the appliction you want and click the middle of the touchpad.

    1. Calculator

    The Calculator application gives you a place to enter and evaluate math expressions.

    You can also use it to




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